Open GI & Countrywide Events secure CII CPD event accreditation

Open GI Product Clinics and Countrywide Broker Clinics have been accredited by the Chartered Insurance Institute following a review this month.

As a result of the accreditation, participants are now able to accrue up to 15 CII CPD credits.

The free of charge one day clinics have been running across the UK for the past two years, with content delivered to 1,000 brokers in over 60 locations. The CII provides Continuing Professional Development Event Accreditation for a variety of seminars and conferences.

Steve Dutton, Business Development Manager, CII, said: “It was clear from the outset of the accreditation process that Open GI and the Countrywide network are committed to helping develop brokers’ technical knowledge and competence. The clinics are highly relevant to professional development needs but are also delivered in a format that works, within a reasonable distance from the broker’s office.

“Content is of a sufficiently high standard to achieve CII CPD Event Accreditation and we would encourage firms to take advantage of the educational aspect of the events.”

Simon Hughes, Sales and Marketing Director, Open GI, said: “As a company, we have always been particularly proud of our Product Clinics. They ultimately enable the broker to improve their overall service to customers through access to expert consultants who can give tips and guidance relevant to their business. We continue to generate positive feedback from all those who attend and update content to address topical issues.

“It’s great that the events have been recognised by the CII. It is important that we continue to work with key industry bodies and demonstrate our commitment to the broker market.”

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