That sinking feeling
Claims management services company InFront Solutions has developed a subsidence model to accurately identify risks down to individual addresses.

The new system uses dig …

That sinking feeling
Claims management services company InFront Solutions has developed a subsidence model to accurately identify risks down to individual addresses.

The new system uses digital technology and aerial mapping to identify the soil type, building location and building footprint of the property. The company claims the new model will enable insurers to underwrite business more accurately.

Gerling NCM range
Newly-formed insurer Gerling NCM - the result of a merger between NCM and the Gerling Credit Insurance Group - has launched a joint policy product range.

The new range comprises a mixture of whole-turnover, selected risks and trade sector policies.

Digital risk in-fill
A new first and third party policy from SafeOnline, called SafeBusiness, is intended to bridge the gap in cover companies are now facing due to digital risk exclusions.

The company says the new policy will provide a much needed in-fill for small to medium firms who use basic technologies.

It offers financial protection against damage to electronic data on computer systems, and possible liability claims for content on the company's website or in emails.
