Royal & SunAlliance (R&SA) has appointed Crawford & Company UK as its sole overflow loss adjuster.

R&SA's external panel previously comprised Cunningham Lindsey, Crawford, Capita and GAB Robins for commercial lines business, and Cunningham Lindsey for personal lines.

Crawford will deal with both personal and commercial claims work in the UK.

R&SA head of loss adjusting services Bob Fitzsimmons said the company's in-house operations PCS and CAS would continue to handle the "same volume of business" and were "tailored for core requirements like the bulk handling of claims".

He said: "In April and May, we began to formulate some ideas about tackling our claims service and look at loss adjusting in terms of our claims strategy.

"We analysed the loss adjusting market and decided Crawford best met our requirements.

"We never wanted to have the whole service in-house."

Fitzsimmons added: "It is important to have the capacity to put business out in the market."

Crawford regional managing director UK & Ireland Ian Muress said Crawford's plans with R&SA included supporting brokers, improving communication and reducing the claims process time.

"In addition, we will be increasing deployment of ePRIME, our web-enabled claims enquiry system," he said.

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