Software Solutions Partners (SSP) continues to lead the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) market, according to the latest survey conducted by InStep.

Instep monitors trends in the use of EDI across motor (private car, light goods and motorcycle) and household.

The latest survey covers the whole of 2005 and shows that SSP has maintained its number one position in the market with over 2.25m EDI cases.

In the private car market SSP again maintained its number one position, processing around 35% of all EDI cases and putting it significantly ahead of competitors Misys, Sirius, CDL and Insurecom.

SSP also continues to make strong progress in the household market where it has gone from fourth in the market 2004, to second in 2005.

Mark Woronowski, executive business manager, Insurer Partnerships, at SSP said: “These figures confirm our leading position which is the result of many years of investment and development in our products, as well as having one of the widest insurer panels for personal lines business.

"The challenge now facing the industry is to reproduce this model in commercial lines by delivering the savings in acquisition and administration costs which have been achieved in personal lines business.

"By building on our market-leading commercial lines SME portal ‘Commercial Connect' and through our participation in the imarket initiative, SSP will be playing a leading role in helping the industry to meet this challenge.”
