Counter-fraud training provider to take on non-flood related claims

VFM Services has initiated its surge response to provide insurers with immediate assistance while they manage their flood claims. 

The desktop counter-fraud training and services provider said it was taking on non-flood related claims to allow insurers to concentrate on flood claims. 

A VFM operative will be available on-site during the period to complement the in-house team and provide an administration bridge. 

VFM Services director Sally Griffiths said: “By implementing tried and tested fraud prevention techniques at desktop level [insurers] will increase their success rate of identifying spurious claims early on in the claims lifecycle, thereby reducing claims leakage, eliminating the need for expensive field investigation and ultimately protecting genuine customers.”

All non-emergency related claims containing fraud risk will be routed to VFM for conversation management, ensuring that the insurer’s counter-fraud strategy on non-flood related claims are unaffected by the surge. 

Further surge services being offered by VFM include a remote answering service using its team of expert desktop claims handlers; a settlement service on existing claims involving validation of correspondence only; and a triage service for suspected fraudulent claims that will speedily identify and settle genuine claims while repudiating fraudulent claims and always in a way that treats the customer fairly.