Scheme uses smartphone app to provide feedback for young drivers

TomTom telematics technology will be used in a new policy for young drivers, using a smartphone app to provide feedback on driver performance.

TomTom’s LINK 410 tracking device will be installed in the policyholder’s vehicle to provide data on all aspects of driver performance, from acceleration and harsh steering or braking to accident reporting.

The device also allows the vehicle to be tracked in the event of theft.

The woop smartphone app gives young drivers the chance to lower their premiums through monitoring their driving style.

Users can get feedback on their driving via the woop website and smartphone app.

The policy has no mileage limits or curfews.

Woop Cover managing director David Hayward said: “By joining forces with TomTom, we have selected a partner that not only offers a market-leading technology proposition but also top-class security standards for the protection of customer data.”

TomTom Business Solutions managing director Thomas Schmidt said: “Woop is an innovative product which allows more accurate, tailored underwriting based on a driver’s individual risk profile, determined by their performance behind the wheel.

“At the same time, drivers are given access to actionable data that allows them to identify areas of risk and make adjustments to their style to adopt a safer, more efficient approach.”