What is there to complain about this week?

Fine time

The FSA’s fines on financial services businesses trebled last year from £33.1m to £96.7m, according to Reynolds Porter Chamberlain. The City law firm said worse could still be to come – new enforcements from the watchdog could lead to another trebling in fines this year.

Small town crooks

Birmingham, Liverpool and Bradford top the 2011 motor fraud index put together by law firm Keoghs. But the index also shows that smaller towns and cities, such as Chester and Peterborough, have emerged as blackspots.

Wide open

Passers-by including would-be burglars can spot goods worth an average of £1,223 just by looking through the windows of the average UK home, says a survey by Ageas. Nearly one in five people (18%) said valuables worth as much as £2,000 or more could be seen by a passer-by looking through their window.

Asbestos ruling

Insurers had a bad day in court as Scottish judges threw out a bid to overturn the Damages Act – which clears the way for compensation for pleural plaque sufferers north of the border.

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