Insurer says it will continue to take lead in hardening rates

Norwich Union (NU) is to unveil a new RAC breakdown cover proposition for brokers at this year's Biba conference.

In a statement the insurer said the cover included a unique extranet facility to make trading "easy, flexible, and immediate" through the elimination of paper-based processes.

The insurer also said it planned to champion the progress of its Club 110, its service for brokers with accounts of between £800,000 and £5m, which launched in November. Benefits for members include access to services including schemes and advice on marketing, HR and complicance. In January, NU said that it had reached over a third of its membership target of 300.

In a statement NU, the principal sponsor at this year's conference, said: "[Our experts] can give you an update on how Norwich Union is 'shaping up' in the 2008 marketplace, following the lead we took in hardening rates last year."

At the conference, the insurer will also be featuring a smoothie bar and a racecar tyre change – the winner of which will be rewarded with full hospitality at the British Grand Prix at Silverstone in July.

The statement added: "[At Biba] you will get the chance to speak to our range of experts from across Norwich Union about the things that matter to your business and your goals."

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