Next time you see a TV advert for English Country Cottages, don't rush off and put the kettle on. Take a closer look and see if you can spot the insurance industry connection.

In particular take a ...

Next time you see a TV advert for English Country Cottages, don't rush off and put the kettle on. Take a closer look and see if you can spot the insurance industry connection.

In particular take a look at the bloke playing tennis. Seem familiar? Well to those on the Lloyd's and private motor scene he should be. He is none other than Cox chief executive Neil Utley. You may remember that Utley is no stranger to the smell of greasepaint, having been a panel member on Channel 5's Britain's Worst Driver series last year.

The connection with English Country Cottages is not that Utley likes to play tennis at country cottages.

No, the truth is Utley owns an advertising agency in Leeds that sometines needs cheap labour - so Utley lends a hand.
