Royal & SunAlliance (R&SA) is set to launch an online claims management system that allows brokers to keep up to date with how commercial claims are progressing.
R&SA online claims manager Lisa Davidson said the system would be launched as a pilot programme on 26 November. She added it would be initially available to R&SA's Enterprise network of 400 brokers.
Davidson said the system was developed following the introduction of R&SA's "claims transformation" programme. The programme, which was launched in September 2000, involved R&SA using direct telephone contact with insureds to manage claims.
The system exists as part of the website used by brokers.
As claims are registered with the insurer, staff key in data about the claim into a database. This can be then accessed through the website.
R&SA's in-house IT staff began work on the project in February. The system keeps such details as: name, address, policy number, claims reference number, the appointed loss adjuster (if any), the excess, the incident date and third-party information.
Davidson said the system would be reviewed in the second quarter of 2002. If successful, it would then be launched to brokers outside of the Enterprise network.
She added the system would save R&SA money. "We will not spend so much time responding to brokers' present position inquiries."
The system is currently being used for handling commercial claims, but could be extended for use with personal lines.
GAB Robins launched its Eye online system earlier this year and rival loss adjuster Crawford & Co is understood to be developing its own online claims management system.