Aon accredited
The awards committee at the Institute of Transport Management has awarded accreditation to Aon Strategic Fleet Consulting Risk Management Company 2002.

Golden oldie
W ...

Aon accredited
The awards committee at the Institute of Transport Management has awarded accreditation to Aon Strategic Fleet Consulting Risk Management Company 2002.

Golden oldie
Walter Blunden is celebrating his own golden jubilee this year - 50 years with the same broker and insurer.

Scullard & Prosser has placed the 86-year-old's motor insurance with NIG for the past 50 years.

The broker presented Blunden with a tankard, bottle of champagne and free year's insurance to celebrate their long relationship.

In the 50 years, Blunden had only one accident, when he was hit near his house by a car reversing out of a driveway.

Trenwick sale
Endurance Specialty Insurance has acquired the property catastrophe reinsurance business of Trenwick Group's subsidiary LaSalle Reinsurance.

Under the transaction, 20 LaSalle Re staff have been offered jobs at Endurance, which began operating at the end of last year.

This will bring Endurance's Bermudian workforce to more than 60 people.

As part of the transaction, Endurance will not take on any of LaSalle Re's past liabilities although it will have the right to renew existing contracts as they expire.

Markel sells shares
The president and chief operating officer of Virginia-based Markel Corporation is selling 25% of his shares in the company.

Tony Markel will make an estimated $18m (£12.3m) to $20m (£13.6m) from the sale of around 90,000 shares, but he will still retain approximately 270,000 shares.

Music at Towry Law
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra has appointed Towry Law Insurance Brokers as its general insurance consultant after securing the business through a competitive tender process.
