With regard to your humorous piece (Backchat, 2 February) referring to the claims handler tripping over a claim forms.

I fail to appreciate the 'jaw dropping' way in which this was written because, from my vast experience in numerous claims departments, this is a very real and foreseeable set of circumstances.

In the way doctors make the worst patients, claims organisations are the worst at doling out risk advice only to be found short in their own working practice.

I have lost count of the times I've had to dig my way out from my desk and surrounding areas and I suspect this "madness" to which you refer is only the tip of the iceberg.

As much as it pains me to side with any claimant, I feel your piece unnecessarily belittled a very real problem which I fear will only get worse as costs are squeezed and pressure is applied to this area of insurance.

Jon Gregory
Jon Gregory Insurance Recruitment
