UK insurance broker Allied Fort has adopted a white label version of Anglo Pacific Consultants' on-line SME underwriting system, QuoteMac.

Broker-Branded QuoteMac (BBQ) allows Allied Fort to link a bespoke version of QuoteMac to its own website.

Allied Fort will then be able to monitor all new quotes received by way of the existing Message Manager or by QuoteMac's quote search tool.

Ikki Caan director of Allied Fort Insurance said: “Our commitment has always been to provide the very highest levels of standards and service to our clients. In BBQ we saw an opportunity to enhance our existing offering and have built a dedicated website to compliment BBQ. We have every confidence that our optimism will be reflected in new levels of service delivery”.

APC's managing director Brian Russell said: “Our aim has always been to make life easier for our brokers. That's why we built QuoteMac in the first place, and that's why we've adapted in this way to enable brokers to consolidate and enhance their client relationships.

"While other parts of the market are still struggling with contract certainty, QuoteMac has done away with all of that, providing brokers with all the information they need immediately and giving them the certainty they want in order to provide the best possible service to their clients.”
