Marks & Spencer has beaten other insurance providers in a survey looking at the effective handling of internet, telephone and other queries.

Insurers maintained a consistent above-average ranking for the handling of both telephone and internet enquiries. This consistency was said to show that an integrated view was now being taken of customer relations.

However insurers could not match the commanding lead that mortgage finance providers had in this area.

The top three performers for combined web and phone response handling were M&S (insurance), Nationwide (mortgage) and NatWest (banking). For phone response, NatWest (banking) came first and Nationwide (mortgage) topped web response handling.

The Knowledge Accelerators' survey contacted a number of companies in a variety of industries. Companies were scored on the effectiveness and helpfulness when handling a selection of simple and more complicated enquiries. Bonus scores were awarded for especially good performance in areas such as additional information, personal replies or satisfaction follow-up calls.