Time for your e-risk strategy
Time for your e-risk strategy
A Conference and workshop on e-risk will be held at the Euston Plaza, London, on June 25 to 27. The two-day conference will cover the implementation of e-risk strategies, to help managers face the new risks of e-commerce. It will be followed by a one-day practical workshop on ensuring e-business security through risk assessment. The combined cost of the conference and workshop is £1,877. Information is available from conference organisers IIR Limited at iir-risk.com.
Marsh to offer new course
Marsh will run a new risk management course after receiving a licence to do so by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and the Insitute of Risk Management (IRM). The four-day modular course is aimed at directors and senior managers with responsibility for implementing corporate governance systems, health and safety managers, internal auditors and insurance managers and brokers. The IOSH will provide most of the course administration and validation, while IRM chairman Terry Simister said the institute was delighted to welcome Marsh as one of the first providers of the course. Information is available at risk.training@marsh.com.
Longer lives to boost business
France's biggest reinsurer Scor has set up a research and development centre dedicated to studying the risks in long-term care insurance. Scor, which has been reinsuring long-term care products for more than 15 years, said longer life spans were expected to boost demand for the insurance.