MSC launches new wisdom

MSC launches new wisdom
Managed Solutions Corporation has unveiled the latest versions of Clientwise and Workwise, its customer relationship management and workflow solutions. Clientwise 2.0 is fully web-enabled and allows MSC's clients to automate several areas of customer service. Workwise is also designed to let companies improve business process efficiency and match service levels to customer value.

All will be revealed
New Millennium Technologies (NMT) has been piloting an online quotes system with a motor broker. The software house expects to reveal full details within two months. Marketing director, Jacquie Boast, says NMT is also reviewing the way it updates quotation information. NMT sends regular updates to brokers on disks. Now though, the software house is considering other options including hosting quotes information online or even having a data warehouse of quotation information.

Policy Master to go stateside
Policy Master is to distribute the Polaris ProductWriter and Run-Time Environment software to American insurance organisations. Policy Master plans to sell its GEMINInet ecommerce software and Sirius back and front office systems, which incorporate RTE, through recently acquired company Insurance Business Solutions, now Policy Master Inc. Chief executive, Steve Verrall said using Polaris software would avoid the necessity of developing new product definition tools and rating engines for its US customers.

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