The Kinnect board will meet for the first time...

The Kinnect board will meet for the first time today to discuss the management and development of the Lloyd's connectivity platform.

Working with Kinnect's executive directors – chairman Iain Saville and chief executive Toby Davies – the board has authority, within strategic guidelines and budgets agreed with Lloyd's, for developing Kinnect to reduce costs and risks in the London market.

The members of the board are:
· Lord Blackwell, senior advisor KPMG (an independent)
· Michael Dawson, consultant, Chaucer
· Nick Furlonge, director, Beazley
· David Harris, operations director, Amlin
· David Ibeson, CEO Wellington Agencies
· Steve Matanle, chairman and chief executive of Global Markets, Marsh
· Grahame Millwater, chairman and chief Executive, Willis Re
· Peter Morgan, Member of the Council of Lloyd's

Iain Saville, chairman of Kinnect, said: “The new board puts Kinnect's customers firmly at the centre of the decision making process. This reinforces the co-operation across brokers and underwriters that is key for the efficient development and rapid adoption of this much needed platform.

“I am delighted that these distinguished people have given their personal commitment to driving Kinnect forward to becoming a financially self-sufficient provider of essential market infrastructure.”