RAC calls for urgent reform of driver training and testing

One in three young drivers believes they are a danger to other road users, according to new research.

New evidence reveals that despite young drivers' desire to get behind the wheel, a third (30%) admit the standard driving test does not prepare them for modern driving, leaving them a danger to themselves and other motorists.

RAC, who conducted the research, is calling for an urgent and immediate reform of the driving test and driver training.

The research reveals that over three quarters (79%) want mandatory supervised ‘night driving' training as part of the learning process, while 65% of young motorists believe they need supervised driving lessons on the motorway. Over half (58%) believe there should be more about ‘safe driving' included in the national curriculum.

Other findings include:

• Almost three quarters (72%) of British drivers believe more emphasis should be given to young people to help them drive more safely

• Over two thirds (67%) of drivers are calling for young motorists to receive better initial training and education

• 4 in 5 motorists (88%) believe there should be training on ‘night driving'

• 93% of British drivers want the minimum driving age increased to 18 while a quarter want it raised to 21

• Almost three quarters (70%) believe there should be a minimum driving period and 66% believe there should be an obligatory period of supervised driving after passing the test

Mike Hutter, managing director of BSM, part of RAC, said: "Our research shows that young motorists are keen for a more relevant driving test, which hasn't changed significantly since 1999. The current test leaves them feeling ill-prepared for the rigours of today's driving environment with more congested roads and other road users.”