Simon Burgess, the enfante terrible of the insurance world who found notoriety with his alien abduction and virgin birth cover, has finally got something to crow about.
It may have made every resident of Finchingfield view spicy chicken wings with an air of suspicion, but Burgess' £1m cover on Violet the Rhode Island Red has won her a place in the Guiness World Records.
The Grip Underwriters' head insured his neighbour Paula Flight's chicken Violet for £1m after she was threatened by a parish councillor for her alleged damage of the village war memorial.
Violet was later found dead in suspicious circumstances but, with no evidence to hand of the murderer's identity, Burgess avoided paying out with a clause stating that Violet was insured only against "being abducted and being eaten by aliens or members of the parish council".
However, the escapade did earn Violet a mention in the world records as "the most valuable bird". The record does not automatically entitle her to an appearance in the Guiness Book of Records but, as the offical letter from AM Collins of Guinness World Records said: "Our managing editors consider all new records for use in our products as required."
Pity Backchat is not as discriminating.