Beachcroft Wansbroughs' Financial Services Division has announced the introduction of a 'Treating Customers Fairly' (TCF) service.

The service is designed to help regulated firms develop, interpret, implement and monitor their adoption of TCF.

The launch follows the recent publication of a paper by the FSA entitled 'Treating Customers Fairly - Building on Progress'. This stated that whilst the industry has made progress in assessing, developing and implementing the
fair treatment of customers, there is more for the senior management of firms, in particular, to do.

Beachcroft Wansbroughs' service has been designed to help firms identify legal risks and how best to embed TCF into their corporate culture and philosophy and respond to the points outlined in the FSA's recent paper.

Nigel Frudd, head of Beachcroft Wansbroughs' Financial Services Division, said: "As the recent FSA announcement highlights, the industry is at different stages in terms of how it is tackling TCF. The FSA has senior management in its sights and is demanding that they take responsibility for defining and delivering TCF.

"The message is clear: act now or you will face even more detailed rules or tougher enforcement in the future."
