The ABI's call for reform of the employers' liability (EL) insurance market and the personal injury compensation system has been further strengthened by today's report from the EEF (Engineering Employers Federation) agreeing with the need for change.
Justin Jacobs, the ABI's head of liability and motor, said: "The momentum for change is gathering pace. We back the EEF's call for reform, with its emphasis on reducing the legal and other costs of settling claims, promoting rehabilitation, and creating a separate employer-funded organisation to manage long-tail occupational diseases.
“Steps taken by the industry have brought some welcome stability to the liability insurance market, with a slowdown in average premium rises. But long-term stability will only be achieved by a more cost-effective, streamlined compensation system.
"Later in the year, the ABI will set out its detailed proposals for reforming the personal injury compensation system – a blueprint for a healthy EL and motor insurance market.
"We will continue to build this consensus for change with employers' organisations, the unions and the government.”