Biba today praised the government for taking a tougher stance on uninsured drivers, but suggested the Department for Tranport's (DfT) proposals did not go far enough.

The brokers association said that persistent offenders should be subject to greater fines than the DfT has allowed for, and possibly even jailed.

The DfT has proposed a £100 fine for owning a vehicle that is not insured. The brokers group claims persistent offenders will clearly be driving and should therefore be subject to a fine of up to £5000, the same as that dished out for driving without insurance.

Biba's technical services manager, Graeme Trudgill, said: “Driving without insurance is a crime and people should realise the serious nature of the offence. The penalties have to reflect this and that is why we believe that a custodial sentence is appropriate for the worst offenders.”