C&G sets up London web site
Londoners can discover more about their neighbourhood from a new internet site. The site has information on each of the 32 boroughs and The City, from where the nearest swimming pool is, to the location of a place of worship. The service, the brainchild of mortgage lender Cheltenham & Gloucester, can be found at www.thisislondon.co.uk.
AA moves into new Wales office
The AA is moving its insurance and financial services operation to the new St Patrick's House office overlooking Cardiff railway station. All of the AA's 800 staff will be accommodated in the move. The AA is to sell its existing office also in Cardiff, where it has been since 1979.
Beddis Hobbs aids aero firm
Broker Beddis Hobbs and Partners has assisted a Birmingham aerospace company benefit from CGU's Preferred Supplier Scheme by helping to install intruder alarm and fire safety equipment at Robson Precision. CGU's scheme allows clients to achieve savings on safety and security equipment while doing risk assessments.