Crowded slopes leading to rise in accidents – will be deaths

Swiss Insurer Suva has calked for speed limits on overcrowded ski slopes to reduce the number of accidents, the Independent reports. The insurer's research revealed that skiers can reach up to 44mph.

Ski resorts have expanded accommodation as the sporting holidays have grown more popular, but not the piste areas, leading to overcrowding.

The Independent says emergency services in Austria, Germany and Switzerland agree that are there more speed-related accidents and that the injuries incurred are more serious. They say fatalities are inevitable.

But the Aviemore-based sports injury research facility reports that only 1.74 alpine skiers per 1,000 will sustain an injury, making skiing safer than football. And only 10% of skiing injuries are caused through collisions. Most are caused by the skier either falling over, or skiing into a tree or other object.
