With just two months to go to the new millennium, a number of high street Misys brokers have been told they will receive no further back office support from the software house.
Brokers using Misys' Vistec system were told that, as of December 1, all software support will be withdrawn.
The brokers are in discussions with Misys in an attempt to obtain the source code which would allow them to upgrade their systems.
Misys said "It was unreasonable to continue to support the Vistec users if that support was not 100%, but the system was extremely stable". The move means the brokers will be stranded if the system crashes.
Chairman of the user group Nick Taylor of Leicester broker Bunnell Taylor, said: "It is unfair that we have given such short notice."
The critical issue for the affected brokers is whether Misys will allow them to have the source codes for Vistec. With the codes, they would be able to alter the system themselves, without, this will be almost impossible.
Misys is looking into whether there was an agreement to allow the brokers to have the codes.
One Vistec-using broker said: "I have a horrible suspicion that they will say '£10,000 is a nice figure for the source codes'."
A statement from Misys managing director, Phillip Bell, said: "There are currently only seven remaining users that pay for support and two additional users that have recently enquired about starting a support arrangement. It is these nine customers that Misys has decided to give 30 days notice to in line with contractural obligations. Support will therefore cease on December 1, 1999. It is believed the software will continue to operate post Millennium."