Premium finance provider Prompt is to launch E-PROMPT, an internet trading facility for brokers.

E-PROMPT is a secure, on-line link which provides users with "real time access" to Prompt's premium financing package from their desktop.

The premium finance provider claims the service will provide a straightforward method for placing new business and renewing existing finance agreements. Client information can also be loaded on to the screen, repayments calculated and paperwork can be electronically mailed to Prompt.

The new facility has been designed with emphasis placed on the reporting facilities available. Prompt claims brokers will be able to use the tool to compile reports on live and historic data.

Over 150 PROMPT brokers currently trade via on-line facilities, either Prompt's electronic trading facility or Policy Master's premium finance EDI.

Stephen Robinson, Prompt's managing director, said: "E-commerce is one of the fastest growing business mediums and as market leader we believe that we should supply the broker with the best tools available to manage their premium finance portfolios.
