Some Royal & SunAlliance (R&SA) brokers face relegation from its top broker club Energy.

R&SA corporate business director Brendan McManus said the company has revisited the membership criteria and benefits structure for Energy, which comprises its top 100 regional brokers. It will announce the revisions, along with details of brokers who have been promoted and relegated in October.

McManus said that, under the new structure, brokers will be judged on the value they create, which is defined by R&SA as the long-term value of the broker's clients.

"Any broker segmentation strategy worth its salt has to promote and relegate," he said.

McManus said that R&SA is also revising the offering of its other broker clubs. Among the changes, smaller brokers will be serviced by a national team rather than locally, but McManus said the quality of service they receive would not be affected by the changes.
