MPs have been told that education rather than legislation through the proposed Compensation Bill, is the only way to reassure teachers and volunteers that they cannot be sued when genuine accidents happen to those in their care.
The all-party parliamentary group on insurance and financial services heard from members of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (Apil) that the government's plans to clarify the common law through legislation are misguided.
"If the purpose of this bill is to reassure volunteers and teachers that they cannot be sued for a genuine ‘accident' then the government has chosen the wrong tool for the job," said former Apil president Colin Ettinger.
"Legislation can only change the law. It can't change a perception or an attitude – perceptions can only be changed through education and awareness, and we hope the government will instigate an education programme which will clarify the situation and finally lay a lot of unfounded myths to rest," he said.