1. Lloyd's of London(1)
2. Aviva
3. Royal & SunAlliance Group
4. Zurich Financial Services(2)(9)
5. AXA(3)
6. Direct Line / UK Insurance (Royal Bank of Scotland)(4)
7. Allianz(5)
8. Churchill/ NIG (Credit Suisse)(6)
9. AIG(9)
10. National Farmers Union
11. Groupama
12. Co-operative Wholesale Society
13. XL Capital(7)
14. Fortis NV
15. Lloyds TSB Group
16. QBE Insurance Group
17. The St Paul Companies(8)
18. Munich Re
19. GE Insurance
20. Legal & General
21. Swiss Re
22. Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society
23. Provident Financial Group
24. Ansvar/Ecclesiastical/URC (Allchurches)
25. Aon Corporation(9)
26. HBOS(10)(11)
27. FM Global
28. BNP Paribas
29. La Mutuelle Du Mans
30. Loews Corporation(12)
31. Hiscox
32. HSBC Holdings
33. Trenwick Group
34. Aioi Insurance(13)
35. Domestic & General Insurance
36. The Underwriter Holdings Company
37. HFC Bank
38. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company
39. Ockham Holdings
40. Nordea Group
41. Markel Corporation
42. Folgate Insurance(14)
43. Sompo Japan Insurance Company of Europe(15)
44. Sterling Insurance Group(16)
45. Tokio Marine & Fire Insurance Company
46. Centrica
47. Berkshire Hathaway
48. AFC
49. ICI
50. Granada Group
Main notes:
The list is ranked according to gross premiums written less treaty business and is based on companies that were writing business as at 31 December 2001. We have excluded companies from our list that are considered to write 100% reinsurance.
1) All figures provided by Lloyd's that have been marked with * are based on the pro forma annual accounting result, all figures marked with ** are market aggregate figures as per 'Security underlying policies issued at Lloyd's' - Global Results 2001.
2) Eagle Star Insurance was placed into run-off with effect from 1 January 2002.
3) AXA Art Insurance changed its name from AXA Nordstern Art Insurance in October 2001.
4) From 1 January 2001, all new and renewal business of Privilege Insurance Company was underwritten by other companies within the Royal Bank of Scotland Group.
5) Euler & Hermes International changed its name from Euler International in April 2001.
6) With effect from August 2001, Churchill took over the administration and underwriting of Pearl Assurance plc's existing general insurance policies. In November 2001 Prudential Assurance Co sold its general insurance arm to Churchill. For this reason, Pearl Assurance and Prudential Assurance Company are no longer included in our list.
7) In July 2001, Xl Winterthur International was purchased by XL Capital from Credit Suisse Group and its name was subsequently changed from Winterthur International.
8) During 2001 St Paul International changed its year-end from September to December, therefore the figures presented in our report relate to the 15-month period from 30 September 2000 to 31 December 2001.
9) Due to the branch status of the company the rating indicated is that of the parent company.
10) During 2001 St. Andrews changed its year-end from February to December, therefore the figures presented in our report relate to the ten-month period from 28 February 2001 to 31 December 2001.
11) Growth in GPW, NPW and ASF along with the pre-tax profit to average ASF ratio, have been shown as not meaningful for the HBOS Group due to its new company esure only having one year of figures. Esure commenced trading on 3 January 2001.
12) CNA Insurance changed its name from Maritime Insurance Co in February 2002.
13) Aioi Insurance Co changed its name from Chiyoda Fire & Marine Insurance Co (Europe) in April 2001.
14) In November 2001 an agreement was made for the sale of the company to Folgate Partnership. Following the acquisition the company was put into run-off in July 2002.
15) Sompo Insurance Company of Europe changed its name from Yasuda Kasai Fire & Marine Co in June 2002, following the merger of its parent company with Nissan Fire & Marine Co.
16) Sterling Insurance Co changed its name from Albion Insurance in June 2001.