Western Provident Association (WPA) has revamped its health cash plan for small companies and individuals, offering more benefits for affordable premiums.

Its move comes amid a general cashplan revival. According to healthcare experts Laing and Buisson, sales have increased by 40% over the past five years to £379m.

WPA's Cashback scheme has operated with three levels of cover and provides a contribution of between 50% and 75% towards dental, optical and specialist consultations up to a total of £7,830 a year. There are also cash benefits for hospital stays of up to 100 nights or days.

Now the plan also includes personal accident cover up to £12,000, health screening and maternity and paternity bonuses of up to £600 per child.

“With the cost of private health insurance increasing, companies are looking for cost-effective alternatives,” said WPA spokesman David Ashdown.

“Cashback is partly co-payment, which means that the premiums are kept low so companies can provide these benefits across their workforce.”

The commission payable to brokers is 35% initially for individuals and 25% for companies. Commission of 5% is payable on renewal.

Premiums for employees begin from £8 per month rising to £12, and from £8.80 to £13.20 for individuals.
