Susan Ross appointed chair of British Exporters Association

Susan Ross, director of Aon Trade Credit, has been appointed chair of the British Exporters Association (BExA) after three years as deputy-chair.

She succeeds Richard Hill of BAE Systems in the position.

Ross is tasked with chairing the BExA Council that sets the direction of BExA’s lobbying, advice, guides, seminars and networking opportunities for the exporting community.

As director of Aon Trade Credit, Ross specialises in broking export credit insurance and has supported the initiation of government short-term trade credit insurance schemes. She is actively involved in lobbying for the development of comprehensive government-backed support for exporters.

Ross said: “We face difficult times. Businesses are suffering from low demand at home and abroad for their products and services. Government and private sector service providers need to support exporters so they can capitalise on opportunities created by the weak pound. Sir Richard Needham PC, the former Minister for Trade and currently President of BExA, has said that it is through exporting that the UK will climb out of recession and I see BExA’s role as lobbying for appropriate support.

“BExA members are taken from a wide range of large, medium and small sized exporters plus their supporting trade finance banks, export credit insurers, brokers and support services. I feel honoured to be chairing the Association. Richard has put tremendous energy into BExA over the last three years, and has broadened its range of lobbying activities. I am fortunate to be appointed at a time when Her Majesty’s Government’s focus is increasingly on manufacturing and exports.”

Richard Hill, outgoing chair of BExA, said: “Susan’s experience at Aon Trade Credit ensures she has her finger on the pulse of exporters’ needs and particularly in the area of credit insurance.”