The CII has appointed David McIntosh as Lord Hunt of Wirral's replacement as chairman of the Professional Standards Board.
McIntosh's term of office will begin in October.
CII president, Peter Hales, said: “David will be a hard act to follow but in David McIntosh I believe we have got exactly the right person to do so. Among his many attributes he is a past president of the Law Society of England and Wales and is highly experienced and respected in our industry.”
Lord Hunt commented: “For me, achieving higher levels of professionalism is about providing leadership and guidance and not about expecting someone to tick boxes. One of my first tasks as PSB chairman was to introduce the CII's new Code of Ethics and Conduct – a beacon of professionalism for our sector – and I have been greatly encouraged by the positive way that both members and companies have embraced its principles. I did agree to serve for two years and would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone in the CII who has given me such strong support throughout my chairmanship.”