AXA UK today reported end of year adjusted earnings of £266m from £110m in 2003, a massive 242% increase.

Total revenue in AXA UK property and casualty lines increased by 4.3% from £2.9bn in 2003 to £3.1bn this year.

The combined ratio in UK property & casualty was reported as 98.2%, an improvement of 2.2 points from 2003.

The company attributed this to the move away from personal motor insurance towards household, creditor and travel lines.

In commercial lines, overall revenues increased by 6.3%. Property saw a 7% increase, while casualty and motor lines saw both 6% increases.

AXA Financial Protection, the worldwide group as a whole, reported end of year adjusted earnings of €2.9bn (£2bn), 100% more than last year's €1.45bn (£1bn).

All figures for AXA UK include Ireland.
