Ken Hutchinson, e-commerce manager at Groupama, said more brokers should get involved with imarket.
"Imarket is a secure industry portal providing communications between insurers and intermediaries which is owned and controlled by the industry. It is a proven, scaleable and flexible technology platform," Hutchinson said.
He noted that there are now 1,900 broking firms registered to use the portal and it is easy to get involved.
"Simply log on to and register. You'll have access to all the individual services that the insurers have authorised as part of your agency. It is all straightforward stuff," he said.
Hutchinson said work is under way to provide a generic standardised accounts reconciliation service for brokers and insurers to use.
And there is greater emphasis on software house integration. "This is all going very well. All the software houses are committed to integration and the infrastructure is in place for them to connect to the portal and then on to the insurers."