Peabody Trust has finalised a deal with Active Health Partners to manage its employee absences.

AHP operates a telephone contact centre, to which Peabody employees will report their absences. Nurses at the contact centre will offer confidential medical advice. They will also email the employee's manager to inform them of the expected return to work date.

Ronnie Clawson, Peabody's corporate services director, said: "A key factor for the association to adopt AHP's innovative ‘Day 1' absence reporting procedure was to offer employees a healthcare benefit, whilst reducing days lost to sickness absence."

Clawson is confident that AHP's service will reduce the administrative burden for HR and line managers by providing robust absence reporting tools. He said: "With the new system, reports can be run quickly and easily. Live absence data is available instantly and information required by the Housing Corporation to monitor absence trends can be generated effortlessly."
