Motor correction

Your article "Motor traders compromise on registration" (30 June, Insurance Times) helpfully draws attention to the need to populate the motor insurance database (MID) with vehicle details.

Unfortunately, although this was discussed with Motor Insurers' Information Centre (MIIC), the recommendation it mentions is substantially incorrect. We are concerned that this will mislead readers into believing that fewer vehicles need to be notified to MID than is the case.

The recommendations of the motor trade working group were that the following categories of vehicles should have to be notified to the MID by motor traders:

  • demonstrator vehicles

  • vehicles that are registered to the motor trader or his business for private or business use on a public road

  • courtesy loan/self-drive hire vehicles in the possession or control of a motor trader for the purposes of customer use

  • trade plates The following should not have been notified:

  • customer vehicles, whether held for repair or servicing, or on a sale or return basis

  • stock vehicles

    These recommendations will be put formally to the UK government (not the EU as stated in your article) as part of MIIC's response to the current consultation on the Fourth Motor Insurance Directive, and will be used in ongoing discussions.

    It should be noted that these recommendations do not necessarily have any more weight than other representations, and that the government might choose to ignore them and require all vehicles in the custody or control of the motor trader to be notified.

    Donald Martin

    MIIC programme manager

    Send letters to: Insurance Times, 30 Cannon Street, London, EC4M 6YJ

    or email , or fax : 020 7618 3499

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