NIG product
InsurE-com has announced that the first NIG Polaris household product, Advantage Select, is now available to insurE-com intermediaries.

Policy information for the NIG household product is transmitted via insurE-com's portal to all insurE-office and insurE-tam users.

IIB levy fears
The IIB said it is worried about levies needed from brokers to fund the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

In its response to FSA paper CP174 the IIB said that under FSA proposals the FSCS would be available to consumers in respect of losses arising from insurance mediation.

Tiner project boost
The FSA is making "good progress in strengthening insurance regulation under the Tiner Project".

The regulator said in its annual report, published this week, it would continue "identifying significant risks early and taking effective and proportionate action to mitigate them" focusing on "high impact firms that pose the most serious risk to the achievement of our statutory objectives".

More take CII exams
The number of people completing the professional level Associateship of the CII (ACII) has increased for the fourth successive examination session. In April 2003, 61% of entrants passed the ACII exam compared to 57% in April, 2002.

LMP slips use up
London Market Principle (LMP) slips are used in 70% of transactions, the London Market Insurance Brokers Committee said.

The findings show a 20% increase at 1 April 2003 from figures reported for 1 January 2003.

Property web link
Property consultant Newton Perkins has launched a web link with

The service can be accessed at by clicking on the commercial property link.
