A survey of HR professionals found 55% are unaware how much absence is costing their business. A shocking 1 in 5 don't even know the annual absence rates in their business.
According to the survey, conducted by FirstAssist, HR professionals consider absence management the most important issue that they face today. Those surveyed, reported absence rates of 4% to 5% pa, which is slightly over the average of 4% according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Many confirmed that they are losing millions a year as a result of absence. CBI figures say absence costs nearly £500 per employee a year, at a cost of £12.2bn to the UK economy.
Around 41% of companies claim to use return-to-work interviews to manage sickness absence and 66% of those surveyed provide Employee Assistance Programmes to deal with absence which is clearly the number one issue out of the top five affecting businesses today, the report said.