A guide to this week's movements in the insurance industry
Broker Networ
Broker Network has appointed Jo Thoy as director of strategic sales.
Thoy has previously worked at both Ace and AIG.
Miller Insurance Service
Miller Insurance Services has promoted the following staff:
Aon has appointed Alex Hindson as associate director within the enterprise risk management unit of IRMG, part of Aon Captive Services.
Hindson was previously risk services manager at AstraZeneca.
Robertson TayloRobertson Taylor, specialist brokers to the music and live entertainment industries, has promoted Paul Twomey to manager of its contingency department.
AIG Europe has recruited Roman Bryl to its travel insurance team as account manager.
Bryl previously worked at Mondial Assistance.
Robin Pegg also recently joined AIG's travel insurance team as account manager.
Primary Broker Service
Primary Broker Services has appointed Jason Norbury as operations manager. Norbury previously worked at Marsh as regional claims director.
Joanne Briscoe has also been appointed as training and compliance officer. Briscoe joins from Sirius.
Oak Underwritin
Oak Underwriting has appointed Andy Rolph as regional development manager in the Northern region.
Rolph was previously development underwriter for high value homes at Hiscox.
Keith Biddlestone has been appointed as managing director of Bupa International.
He was previously managing director of Bupa Asia.
Lord Leitch, former ABI chairman, has joined Bupa's board.
Allianz Global Risk
Allianz Global Risks has appointed Simon Robinson as head of underwriting quality and integrity. Robinson was previously an underwriter for Allianz in Germany and South Africa.
Robinson's predecessor, Martin Henson, now becomes head of global energy.
Davies Laver
Davies Lavery has appointed Mary Sutton as a new partner to head up the firm's employment division.
Sutton will be based at Davies Lavery's London office.
FSA Solution
FSA Solutions has appointed Susan Lake as consultant. Lake was previously group compliance manager at Imagine.
Rob Curtis, a director at FSA Solutions, has now left the firm to join the FSA as head of insurance technical risk.
Grant Thornto
Grant Thornton has appointed Angus Tucker as senior manager in its insurance claim solutions team.
Tucker, who is the honorary treasurer of Cila, joins from Deloitte.
Devonshire Claim
Devonshire Claims Services has recruited Rob March to head up its professional indemnity broking division.
March has 15 years' broking experience, most recently with SBJ Group where he was a divisional director.
Thatcham, the Motor Insurance Repair Research Centre, has appointed Jason Moseley as director of quality and business systems.
Homeserve Retail Warranties, the provider of furniture and electrical appliances warranties, has appointed Andy Kirton as group sales director. Kirton joins from HFC Bank where he was sales director.
Mondial U
Mondial UK has appointed Stuart Peall as its new business development manager. Peall joins from human resource and employment benefits solutions provider youatwork.
FP Marine Risk
Stuart Williams has joined FP Marine Risks' London office as part of the company's drive to strengthen its hull and machinery insurance offering. Williams joins from Aon Marine.
Legal & Genera
Legal & General has appointed Garry Skelton as marketing director of its general insurance business. Skelton joins from Barclays.
Julian Rhodes has joined NIG's commercial business as regional manager of the London City office.
Rhodes joins from AIG Europe, where he was business development manager.
Andy Lewi
Claims management specialist WNS Assistance has appointed Andy Lewis as its new claims director.
Lewis previously managed three of Churchill's teleclaims call centres. Prior to this he worked at Royal & SunAlliance for 20 years, underwriting and claims-handling personal lines and fleets before he moved into call centre operations.
Lewis will be responsible for the management of WNS's 250,000 motor insurance claims a year on behalf of insurers, brokers and commercial fleets, as well as aiming to double the number of claims handled within the next two years.
He said: "WNS is challenging traditional insurer claims operations through improved customer service. I am looking forward to accommodating the 100% claims growth by the end of next year."
Lewis, 41, is married with two children, and a huge Formula 1 fan.
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