Reducing stress in aid of the Samaritans

It’s a hard life working at Lloyd’s; carrying all those papers, long lunches at Balls Brothers, working out the insurance requirements of an oil rig.

So in the name of de-stressing – and charity, of course – Lloyd’s workers were allowed to spend a day last week wearing…slippers. Yes, slippers. Very comfy.

There were other stress-reducing activities – all in support of the Samaritans Stress Down Day.

Staff were encouraged to dress down and stress down with relaxing smoothies before having a quick 10-minute massage to relieve all those aches and pains.

They were also provided with green stress phones to squeeze during those stressful moments – such as when the broker puts the pressure on for a better deal.

A laughter workshop was also held, designed to release happy hormones around the body.

Lloyd’s staff raised £2,000 for the Samaritans.
