Bland Barkart
John Hopkins has been appointed as managing director of Bland Barkart's Nottingham operation. He will also join the group plc board.
He was formerly with Marsh Group and has held senior management positions at both Sedgwick and Minet over the last 20 years. His primary role will be to develop the risk and insurance management business.
Aon Risk Services
Latif Sayani has been appointed chief financial officer to Aon Risk Services UK, reporting to chief executive Michael Eve. He will also be a member of the Business Strategy Group. He has previously worked in New York where he spent 12 years mainly in Citibank's mergers and acquisitions department. Mike Fitzgerald has been appointed finance director of corporate division. He will also be on the firm's executive committee. He previously worked with Sedgwick UK where he was finance director.
Benfield Greig
Bill Staple is to join the board of Benfield Greig Group, the largest independent reinsurance intermediary in the world, next month. He is to leave Rothschilds, where he has been director since 1986 involved in general corporate finance advice.
He was formerly director general of the Takeover Panel in London between 1994 and 1996.
Lynda Hardy Maskell has been appointed to head up the marketing department of CIGNA Healthcare & Life in the UK. She previously headed up the press office of the London Stock Exchange. Her new remit involves marketing, PR, advertising, sponsorship and publications.
Litigation Protection
Sue Lawson has been appointed as personal division manager at Litigation Protection, with responsibility for the day-to-day management of personal injury and clinical negligence casework. She is a qualified solicitor having studied at the Nottingham Law School. Angela Fisher has been appointed as assistant commercial underwriter with the firm having recently qualified as a barrister. Her new role will see her assessing commercial claims, underwriting commercial disputes and handling litigation insurance.
GE Travel Insurance Services
Lesley Russell has been appointed marketing communications manager of GE Travel Insurance Services (GETIS). She is already marketing consultant with GE Insurance Holdings, which she joined in 1996. She is originally from Australia.
David Oliver Associates
Steve Green has been appointed to Essex-based David Oliver Associates to work as a travel and personal accident specialist. He previously worked for Wren Insurance Services in the City.
Solicitors Indemnity Fund
Jeremy Hyne has been appointed as new head of underwriting at the Solicitors Indemnity Fund.
Hyne has been an underwriter for 13 years, most recently as director of underwriting commercial lines at London & Edinburgh.
Previously he worked as a professional indemnity broker at Alexander Howden and Stewart Wrightson.
Royce Appointments
Sandra Elton has been appointed as a recruitment consultant specialising in the insurance sector with Royce Appointments. Elton has 25 years experience of the London insurance market. She was previously with Marsh McLenan (Sedgwick) as an account executive. Elton's main role will be to research and develop the executive division of Royce Appointments.
Lane Clark & Peacock
Consulting actuaries Lane Clark & Peacock – based in London, Winchester and Manchester – has appointed five new partners – Martin Cross, Paul Gates, Jeremy Dell, Richard Murphy and Alex White.
Cross and Gates will be partners in LCP's general insurance division while Dell, Murphy and Waite will be partners in the firm's pensions department.