Edgar Hamilton Group has unveiled a three-pronged package for companies that covers professional indemnity, directors' and officers' and legal expenses.

Trilogy is underwritten by Wren Legal and Professional, a member of BRIT Insurance Holdings and provides essential risk management support for companies.

This support can be obtained using a confidential helpline which provides guidance on legal issues including, health and safety, employment disputes and tax.

Wren's Employment Manual is a user-friendly source of best practice in areas such as discrimination, maternity leave, pensions and grievance procedures.

Failing this there is a panel of experienced mediators and arbitrators available to resolve disputes.

Policyholders are also entitled to a confidential business health check from an independent consultancy.

Trilogy provides £3m worth of cover for any single period of insurance, but single claims are limited to £1m each.

Wren Legal and Professional managing director Randolph Murray explained the concept behind Trilogy: “More often than not we see that the line between legal expenses, professional indemnity and directors' and officers' insurance is becoming blurred, disputes between insurers as to who covers which element of risk are not uncommon.

“One of the major benefits of Trilogy is that it provides the insured with instant professional advice, before they have to make complex decisons in areas where they have little or no experience.”

He said that parcelling together these three elements of risk reduces the chance of claims falling between policy covers.

John Bracken, director of EHW, said companies are becoming more aware of the need for professional indemnity insurance as employment liabilities have magnified in recent years.

“Wren has responded to direct requests and worked tremendously hard to package this product for the broker market,” he added.

A seminar is being held to launch the three-in-one product at Wren's offices in Bishopsgate, London, on September 26.