Broker Smart and Cook signs deal with a group of American insurance brokers to reduce
international clients' premiums.

The move is also designed to assist Brit ...

Broker Smart and Cook has signed a deal with a group of American insurance brokers to reduce
international clients' premiums.

The move is also designed to assist British firms looking to expand their overseas operations.

Smart and Cook has selected a number of US-based brokers to take away the complications associated with dealing with one company, which may not specialise in certain fields.

Smart and Cook will have exclusive access to a Euro policy, designed for UK based SMEs with insurable assets in a number of EU countries.

Smart and Cook director John Duncalf said: "Our new service will offer a great deal of benefits to our international clients and those who are looking to expand overseas.

"Navigating the US insurance markets successfully takes more than just simple accreditation, it takes skill, experience and an understanding of the interpretation and application of insurance laws and customs as well as the terminology of the very insurance contracts a company will depend upon to protect their interests."
