Premium finance provider Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander has appointed Steve Robinson to the part time role of development director.

Robinson has left Premium Credit to join Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander. He has also previously worked for Close Brothers in his 16 years in premium finance.

Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander's managing director Bob Darling welcomed Robinson to the firm: “We're excited to have Steve on board. He's one of the big names of the premium finance world and brings with him a wealth of experience and contacts. His arrival is a huge boost for us.”

Robinson commented: “What I like about Kaupthing Singer and Friedlander is that the company's values are very similar to mine when I first started in this industry – bespoke service; a strong focus on relationships and a willingness to work with customer to come up with new solutions. It's a powerful message in today's premium finance marketplace from a first class business with a very strong and supportive parent bank in Kaupthing.

“I'm also delighted to be working with Bob Darling again, whom I've known and respected since we worked together at Close Brothers.”