Coordinator says Lloyd’s ’should not be surprised [it is] getting protests at its annual general meeting’

Climate activists staged a fake fire at Lloyd’s of London just ahead of its annual general meeting (AGM) today (25 May 2023).

Activists from Money Rebellion let off flares and sounded alarm sirens outside the Lloyd’s building in Lime Street to protest its links to the Adani Carmichael coal operation.

The Adani Carmichael mine and rail project was the first to target an untapped coal reserve in the Galilee Basin, Australia.

Claude Fourcroy, from Money Rebellion, claimed Lloyd’s was “enabling new fossil fuel projects like Adani Carmichael”.

He added: “Lloyd’s of London are running scared, not from climate breakdown, but public anger. 

”As the world braces itself for more floods and forest fires, instead of ending their support for new fossil fuels, they are preparing for protests.”

’Walk away’

Climate activists also targeted Lloyd’s insurers they believe support fossil fuel projects around the world.

They took aim at Probitas 1492, a syndicate within Lloyd’s, overnight, coating the front of the building with black paint and adorning the walls with stenciled words that read “Probitas #StopAdani”.

Gurridyula Gaba Wunggu, head man of the Waddananggu tribe, said: ”We’re asking Probitas 1492 and Lloyd’s of London, walk away from Adani.”

Protesters were also encouraged to “keep the phones ringing” at the Lloyd’s and Probitas offices throughout the day by the Lets Make Some Noise movement.

Lindsay Keenan, European coordinator of activist group Insure Our Future, told Insurance Times that Lloyd’s “should not be surprised [it is] getting protests at its annual general meeting” today.

“We can all expect all moderate protests to continue to grow [as Lloyd’s continues] to be one of the leading insurers and reinsurers of the fossil fuel expansion plans which are wrecking the climate,” he said.

Lloyd’s was approached for comment.


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