Neil Gibson, chief executive of Sedgwick, discusses why the company is hoping to win the Claims Partner of the Year award

Why did you enter the Claims Partner of the Year award?

Neil Gibson clear

Neil Gibson, chief executive of Sedgwick

The strategic initiatives we employed in 2022 responded to five key market challenges faced by our clients.

Our resilience programme tackles the ongoing issue of managing flood-damaged property repairs, successfully reducing claims durations and costs while meeting carbon-net-zero targets.

Our unique temporary claims staffing service supports the industry-wide skills shortage, creating jobs and supporting the diversification of our business.

Our investment in innovative counter-fraud technology has increased fraud savings and we’re first to market with i-value – a customer self-service claims valuation and settlement app.

We design service solutions that enhance and protect our clients’ brands and believe our entry fits perfectly within this category.

What do you think makes your entry stand out and why should you win the award?

Our entry stands out due to our excellent performance in every area.

We’ve reduced flood claim repair costs by 21% and claim durations by 20 days, which we delivered through our certified carbon-neutral repair network. Our temporary skilled staff loan service has also surpassed all expectations in terms of revenue.

New counter-fraud initiatives have increased our strike rate for proven and suspected fraud by 11.2% and annual fraud savings by £2.4m. Our new customer self-service app reduces the cost of managing low-value flooring claims by £40 per claim.

What would winning this award mean to you and your firm?

Winning this award would demonstrate Sedgwick’s ongoing commitment to collaborating with our clients in developing sustainable claims management services that address today’s market challenges.

Personally, I’m incredibly proud of everything we’ve accomplished. This award would acknowledge the vision and dedication of our teams of highly talented colleagues who work tirelessly to deliver on every new claims management initiative we devise.


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