’Opportunities’ are on the horizon for McLarens, says managing director 

Having the right infrastructure and resources is “really important” amid a “more sophisticated” market, said McLarens Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) mannaging director Steven Wallace.

Speaking at the Biba conference today (10 May 2023), Wallace told Insurance Times that clients “are looking for different things”, while there were opportunities on the horizon for the business as it continues to expand.

His comments followed after Wallace’s promotion to the expanded role of managing director of McLarens EMEA.

He said that he planned to provide “better outcomes for the markets” that the business works in.


Wallace’s promotion came as McLaren’s formed a new senior management board, which it said would include “its foremost practitioners” from across operational and business management lines.

“The changes will strengthen McLarens’ leadership team, reflecting the growth and evolution of its UK and Ireland business, which has doubled in size since 2019,” a statement announcing the changes in April 2022 said.

Wallace felt that ”getting the infrastructure, putting the right resources in place and making sure that functional components” were “really important” as it drove the core components of the business.